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Saturday 1 November 2014

On 07:42 by Unknown     No comments
Top Reasons Not to Install iOS 8 Right NowIt’s been exactly one week since the iOS 8 Pangu jailbreak unexpectedly released, and while issues with Cydia substrate, tweak compatibility and other needed updates have kept many non-developers from using the jailbreak tool, progress is being made. Late Monday night, Saurik, creator of Cydia and a cornerstone of the jailbreak community, released an update to Cydia, which seems to have fixed several issues users were having with apps not installing, iTunes not syncing and icons disappearing. The latest Cydia Substrate version 0.9.5015, combined with the Pangu team’s iOS 8 0.2 Untether update seem to be making the jailbreak more stable. For non-developers, however, we still advise waiting a bit longer to jailbreak your device as issues with Touch ID, passcode and freezing devices are still lingering. Saurik, the Pangu team and other members of the jailbreak community are working extremely hard to get this latest iOS 8 jailbreak into a form that everyone can use. I’m sure it won’t be too much longer now.
Below are Saurik’s release notes, which accompanied the new Cydia updated package:
“Cydia Substrate 0.9.5014 fixes a few bugs reported on iOS 8 with 0.9.5013, including ‘apps do not install’, ‘iTunes does not sync’, and ‘icons are gone’. (And 0.9.5015 fixes a bug in 0.9.5014 where some processes, including OpenSSH, would no longer start.)
If you've updated the Pangu 8.0-8.1 untether to version 0.2, you no longer need to respring after rebooting; this untether update fixes an issue that caused Substrate to not fully load into many processes immediately after rebooting. This untether update also means that disabling Substrate while booting (by holding the volume up button) should work consistently now.”
To this Saurik also adds limitations of the latest Cydia update:
“In short, on iOS 8: after every reboot, you need to respring before Substrate will load extensions in SpringBoard.
Substrate version 0.9.5013 supports iOS 8, but because of limitations in Pangu (versions 1.0 through 1.0.1 so far tested), Substrate won't work immediately after the device boots - it will only work after the first respring. You can respring by SSHing to your device and typing killall backboardd
This happens because Pangu loads Substrate after other processes have already loaded, causing Substrate to not work until the next time backboardd and SpringBoard restart.
We are coordinating closely with the Pangu team to make certain the best possible fix for this is deployed.
In addition, Saurik’s assistant, Britta, was good enough to add some additional limitations to an update on Reddit. In the post, she wrote,
“Just to be clear, these updates don't fix the problem causing devices to freeze upon booting if you set a passcode.”
And according to Pangu’s untether page,
“Updating this package requires a reboot; please note that rebooting can surface problems unrelated to the untether or Cydia Substrate. If you've set a passcode/TouchID, rebooting may cause your device to freeze: please disable passcodes/TouchID until further notice (sorry :/). Having incompatible tweaks installed can also cause problems upon rebooting.”


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