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Wednesday 29 October 2014

On 11:56 by Unknown     No comments

The future is about to collide with many armpits.
Before you dismiss the very notion of a smart, electric deodorant application system as silly, superfluous or just plain stupid -- as I did when I first received the press release for the ClickStick and its current Kickstarter campaign -- I ask you to take a moment to consider the benefits of this device created by two real-life rocket scientists.
They include less plastic waste in the world, a push-button applicator that makes one-hand application easier and reduces stains on clothes, and an internal microprocessor that delivers the same, precise amount every time.
"The one-hand application feature makes deodorant application much easier for those with mobility issues that are caused by various physical limitations," said Carla Bahri, co-founder of ClickStick, in a release.
Bahri created ClickStick along with Gilad Arwatz -- both are graduate students in Princeton's mechanical and aerospace engineering department, so yes, ClickStick is actually designed by rocket scientists.
Naturally, any smart device needs its own app, and ClickStick also delivers here. The app gives advice on which setting you should use to adjust the amount delivered with each press of the button, and also provides reminders and data on usage. The app can also be used to order refills, or not. Interestingly, ClickStick's "Green Green" Kickstarter option comes with two refillable pouches that allow you to use your own deodorant gel or other personal care product with the systemSo if you're still not sold on the benefits of entering the bold new world of connected deodorant application, consider that ClickStick also lights up, so there's potential for awesome drunken deodorant lightsaber bouts when you come back home to freshen up at 2 a.m. before heading back out to the after-party. (Of course, always remember that drinking and deodorizing don't mix with driving, kids.)
So far, over 500 backers have pledged more than $27,000 toward the campaign's $55,000 goal during the two weeks since ClickStick's Kickstarter went live. I haven't yet decided if I'll be one of them.


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